The site and days have been chosen for the 2019 International Pynchon Week. I have brought up the idea with Corrie about making the journey, and the fact the idea wasn't shot down immediately as rather foolish is promising.
We'd want the Boy to remember Paris, but are okay with him maybe being too young for Rome, plus the first day is his birthday (June 10th), and one of the guys from work is Italian and spends the summers in Italy and has already said he would meet us there (I was shooting the shit with him earlier today).
Also also, we were thinking about bringing our niece from OKC to take care of Cass during some days, so Corrie and I could do our own thing. That plan, though, grows out of the idea of wanting to bring those kids, separately---the boy this summer and the girl next summer---with us on our trips, so they could travel and we could get a built in babysitter.
Anyway, at the bottom of that jump link is the guidelines and call for submissions for panels or talks...
...I'M THINKING OF TRYING TO PUT TOGETHER AN ABSTRACT FOR A PANEL!!! IS THAT DUMB AF OR WHAT? The deadline for submissions is the end of this August...
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